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Tuesday, February 27, 2007 

The Recipe for a Perfect Wedding Favor

We've all left weddings with them: a small picture frame; a chocolate bar with the bride & groom's married name on the wrapper; even a monogrammed match box. Where do these tokens of thanks end up? Under the car seat, in the junk drawer or, yes, in the garbage (are you supposed to keep the wrapper once you've eaten the chocolate?).

Though they have become a standard of a traditional wedding, the wedding favor has really lost its edge over the years. Of course you could drop a few extra bucks per person on something more impressive, but is it worth it?

A wedding favor doesn't need to be flashy or expensive. In this case, the sentiment "it's the thought that counts," really means something. You can say "thanks" to the family and friends who help you celebrate your big day with a small gift that "gives" forever: a recipe.

First, you have to pick the right recipe. Here are some suggestions:

Go with something regional or seasonal: Does your family put its own twist on a favorite regional dish? Is it warm, comforting soup season, or summer grilling season? Think of something your guests will want to make the night after your wedding.

Choose something from your wedding menu: Talk to the caterer about using a recipe from one of your menu items. Or, provide the recipe for a special wedding cocktail served.

Get sentimental: Is there a special dish between you and your husband-to-be?

Celebrate family tradition: Is there a traditional food associated with the wedding celebration in your family?

Family recipes are best, but don't be afraid to consult a cookbook: If you can't find a perfect family recipe, visit the library or the Internet and find a recipe for one of your favorite dishes.

You don't have to stop at one recipe: If you can't decide between two or three, use them all. Then, guests won't all get the same thing.

Once you've selected the recipe or recipes, it's time to consider packaging. Here are some ideas:

* Present the recipe on the side of a custom food box; nutrition facts can be fun facts about you and your group. * Write the recipe on a writable desert plate. Once the goodies are gone, the recipe remains. * Pack non-perishable items or food into a take-out box, include recipe on box. * Make your own printed gift bags with your monogram; put your favorite food and the recipe inside (cookies would be my choice!). Fold the bag over; punch two holes and slide a ribbon through. * Use a double-sided picture frame; recipe on one side, special picture on the other side. * Design recipe cards that match your wedding décor; print the recipe on one side and use the other for table assignments. * Attach the recipe to a non-perishable ingredient - like vanilla extract or other spice.

Recipes make fabulous shower favors as well. If you're planning a shower for a bride-to-be, ask all guests to include their favorite recipes in their gifts. Or, ask them to include them with their RSVP and put together a custom cookbook for the bride.

Remember, wedding favors aren't a "must-have," but they are a nice touch, especially when they are meaningful. Choose a recipe that has some sentimental value and add a personal touch in the packaging, and guests will remember (and prepare) your favor for years to come.

About the Author

Kate Walling is founder of Secret Ingredients (www.TheSecretIngredients.com). She so cherished the traditions passed down in her family that she came up with a way to help other families do the same by creating personalized heirloom cookbooks. Visit http://www.thesecretingredients.com or contact her at kate@thesecretingredients.com.

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When arrange 50+ member party. hope this can help me to take wedding favor.
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